Internet has become a vast medium connecting various companies with a large market of web users. It is an effective tool with the help of which products and brand names can be promoted amongst the customers within fewer expenses. Internet marketing is done through a website which is created by web development companies and contains the brand name of the company along with related information like its products, schemes, policies, beliefs and members. A website is developed by inserting in it creative designs, flash videos, motion graphics, link builds and informative content. Good Content Writing is crucial for any website and thus development companies pay special attention towards the quality of the content. Web Content Writing is different from the normal writing as it is written for the search engines and directed towards web users. Content written for websites or SEO’s should be precise, to the point, emphasized on key words and informative so that a person who is searching on any topic should get proper and detailed information on it at once. Content Writing in India is massively growing as a profession as more and more content writers are coming up in the market with their extra ordinary writing talent. Web development companies form different departments for content writing in which they hire professional and qualified content writers who specialize in official writing for web. There are many forms of Web Content Writing like articles, blogs, press releases, profile pages, page reviews and many more. The basic idea behind writing for web is to provide the audience with informative and useful content on search engines and websites.