Brainwork Technologies

Google’s August 1st core algorithm update: Who was impacted and to what extent?

Google updated its search algorithm on 1st of August and here is everything you need to know about it. This broad core update by Google focuses on medical and health sites. But many sites apart from them are also impacted by the update. There is basically nothing you can do to fix your site but you can offer great content and a unique experience to the users. The update is known as Medic Update because it focuses on the health and medical space. Google has stated that this is a broad, core update and it does similar updates many times each year.

There is no particular method you can use to fix the pages. Instead, remain focused on building great content for the users. Google stated that some sites could notice drops or gains. The changes introduced into the system are benefitting the pages which were previously under-rewarded. This rollout will impact all Google search results across different regions and languages. 

Who was impacted?

This is a global update which means every type of site has been impacted. However, it has been noted that there is a focus on medical and health sites in addition to entertainment and gaming niches. It has also impacted ‘Your Money, Your Life’ sites. These sites are focused on money and life.

What can you do?

Now that you know there is a change in the Google’s algorithm, there is nothing you can do to fix it. There is no solution to the same but Google suggests that you improve your website, create better content and make it a unique experience for your users. This could lead to a better ranking of your site on the next update.


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